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Upcoming Kids and YA Programs This Week


Tuesday, July 16th at 3:00pm: Amazing Adventures of Science. Come explore science with Crazy Cathy of Super Science & Amazing Art of PA. Learn how fun it can be to use crafts and observations to do your own science experiments. Lots of fun, and there will be a craft! Ages 5 to 12. To register, call 570-894-8860 or email

Thursday, July 18th at 2:00pm: Teen Readers Club. Join other teens to discuss their favorite books and the worse books they had to read for school. For this book club--everyone reads whatever they want! If you were a teacher, what books would you make kids read and why? Get great ideas about what books to read and what books to avoid. Registration required. To register, call 570-894-8860 or email

Ages to 14 to 18 (sorry, no high school graduates)

Monday, July 22nd at 2:00pm: Crazy Cat Collage. Make bonkers artsy collages out of cat pictures. This is an unusual but highly entertaining art project. Registration required. Ages 14 and up. Registration required. To register, call 570-894-8860 or email (CURRENTLY FULL: Sign up to reserve your spot on the waitlist)

Stop by the circulation desk to sign your child or teen for Summer Reading, and get a calendar of all our Summer Reading Programs!



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